
Aerospace Parts Manufacturing

Revolutionizing Aerospace Parts Manufacturing at Prototank Labs

Prototank Labs is at the forefront of innovation in aerospace part manufacturing, where we seamlessly combine advanced 3D printing and injection molding services. Our commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering innovation has led us to work on an array of pioneering projects within the aerospace industry. Some notable examples include aerospace gripper brackets for pick-and-place robots on airplane assembly lines, custom control systems for machines and vehicles, drone manufacturing, and much more.

Examples of Aerospace Projects

Aerospace Gripper Brackets

Our team has successfully designed and manufactured aerospace gripper brackets used in pick-and-place robots on airplane assembly lines. These brackets are critical for the precise handling and assembly of aircraft components, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in the manufacturing process.

Custom Control Systems

We’ve developed custom control systems for various aerospace machines and vehicles. These systems are designed to enhance operational efficiency, safety, and precision in complex aerospace environments.

Drone Manufacturing

Drones have become indispensable tools in the aerospace industry. Prototank Labs is actively involved in manufacturing components for drones, including lightweight, high-strength parts that are essential for drone performance and reliability.

Aerospace Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is an integral part of our aerospace services. We’ve assisted clients in rapidly iterating designs, resulting in the development of innovative aerospace components and systems.

Our Approach to Aerospace Manufacturing

Advanced Technology

At Prototank Labs, we embrace cutting-edge 3D printing and injection molding technologies to deliver aerospace parts that meet the highest industry standards.

Custom Solutions

Each aerospace project is unique, and our solutions are tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We focus on precision, quality, and performance to ensure our components meet or exceed expectations.


We collaborate closely with aerospace companies to understand their requirements and challenges. This collaborative approach enables us to fine-tune our solutions to deliver the best possible results.

Innovation for the Aerospace Industry

Prototank Labs is dedicated to driving innovation within the aerospace industry. By leveraging 3D printing and injection molding services, we provide clients with the tools they need to enhance efficiency, precision, and reliability in their aerospace projects. Our commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering innovation continues to propel the aerospace industry into the future. Join us on this journey to redefine the possibilities of aerospace manufacturing.